Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Holy Land a Place of Encounter

The pilgrimage has begun! Yesterday afternoon the seminarians and Msgr. Swiader, all met at the airport with anticipation and excitement for the journey in which we are embarking on.

All the pilgrims on this pilgrimage are seminarians, transitional deacons and priests. This pilgrimage offers each one of us an opportunity of a lifetime. An opportunity of encountering Jesus in a different and unique way. Each of us have encountered Jesus in our hearts when we first heard to call to follow Him. God has spoke in the silence of our hearts, our inner most being to be Priests. That moment in all of our lives has been a transforming moment.

My hope is that I want this experience to be a transforming moment with my relationship with Jesus. I want to know Him better because by knowing Him better I am confident that I can be a better seminarian and God-willing a better priest.

Pray for us as we promise to pray for all of you.....

Tomorrow, we will celebrate Holy Mass at Mount Carmel. Here in a special way, I will remember all the people from Our Lady of Mount Carmel, in Astoria. God Bless you all...

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